Hudson Star visits Bicentennial Anniversary of General Lafayette's Farewell Tour
On August 16 a VCB crew rowed Hudson Star to North Cove in lower Manhattan to celebrate the bicentennial reenactment of General Lafayette’s farewell tour of America as a beloved hero of the American Revolution. Here noted Lafayette re-enactor Mark Schneider addresses the crowd.
The crew of the hudson star in north cove
Re-enactors and the Star dockside.
general lafayette addresses the crew of the star.
VCB gives the “American Star” played by our Hudson Star, a replica of the original American Star, to General Lafayette as a gift to take back to France, and asks that he preserve it forever. Maybe not forever, but the original American Star still exists in a museum in France.
return to pier 40
It’s a hard slog against the wind and tide. The shoreline has changed somewhat since 1824. But the spirit of camaraderie is still strong.